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Hello, I'm Henry Neff!

I make pixel art and animations for games, for short films, for illustrations! I like to share my work for all to enjoy, often on my Twitter and my YouTube (and my, too).

I like to live by the phrase "It's all about the vibe" and pursue aesthetics and stories that really make you feel a vibe. I'm also a huge fan of bugs, mushrooms, weird little gremlin guys and really old classical guitars.

If you'd like to contact me, my email is


Skills (things I'm good at) and experience (things I've done):

>>My CV<<

- Lead artist at Yellow Crow Games, we won Dare Academy 2022


- 2D Animation in Krita, Blender and Clip Stuido Paint

- Pixel art illustrations and game assets in Aseprite

- I'm a US and EU citizen and I speak French fluently, too

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